Certified Digital Marketing Specialist - Strategy and Planning e-læring

Certified Digital Marketing Specialist Strategy and Planning e-læring kurs

Dette programmet er en spesialisert sertifisering og er rettet mot alle som er involvert i planleggingen av en digital strategi, eller som sannsynligvis vil bli involvert i dette området i fremtiden.

Læringsinnholdet, som er validert av Digital Marketing Institute's Industry Advisory Council, er bransjejustert og gir muligheten til å oppnå en globalt anerkjent profesjonell sertifisering. Dekket i denne sertifiseringen er sosiale nettverk og kundeservice, big data og analyse, budsjett og ressurser, digitalt lederskap og mye mer.

Hvorfor skal jeg ta dette kurset?

Planlegging og strategi er nøkkelen til enhver digital markedsføringskampanje. Denne sertifiseringen vil introdusere deg for digital kommunikasjon og hjelpe deg med å utvikle en målrettet og gjennomtenkt strategi og sammenhengende plan for en organisasjon.

Gjennom dynamiske forelesninger og case-studier får du en solid forståelse av både teorien og den praktiske anvendelsen av digital strategi, slik at du kan implementere en kraftig markedsføringsmiks som opprettholder kundeengasjement og øker salget. Denne spesialistsertifiseringen vil gjøre deg i stand til å konsolidere de grunnleggende ferdighetene som trengs for å lage godt målte digitale strategier som konverterer.


Dette programmet er rettet mot alle som er involvert i å planlegge en digital strategi for organisasjonen, eller som sannsynligvis vil være involvert i dette området i fremtiden og ønsker en omfattende forståelse av feltet.

Denne sertifiseringen passer for alle ferdigheter eller erfaringsnivåer og er designet for å forberede deg til å engasjere deg spesielt i strategi og planlegging innenfor et overordnet digitalt markedsføringsdomen.

Hva vil jeg oppnå?

Etter en vellykket gjennomføring av en 2-timers datamaskinbasert eksamen, vil du bli tildelt en uvurderlig og karriereendrende spesialistsertifisering. Dette vil hjelpe deg å skille deg ut fra mengden som en strategi- og planleggingsspesialist, og vil bidra til å øke og fremme karrieren din.

Sertifiserte fagfolk vil få kunnskapen og ferdighetene som trengs for å planlegge og strategisere digitale kampanjer som engasjerer kunder og øker salget for selskaper av alle størrelser. Et internasjonalt anerkjent sertifisert profesjonelt merke vil også være tilgjengelig for deg å markedsføre på LinkedIn -profilen din.


Det er ni moduler i dette kurset:

  1. Introduction 
  2. Traditional Communications
  3. Digital Communications
  4. Digital Channels
  5. Marketing Automation
  6. Budget & Resourcing
  7. Big Data & Analytics
  8. Digital Leadership
  9. Strategy Formulation and Plan


This module will introduce you to the Digital Marketing Institute’s 3i methodology and framework, which will enable you to plan and develop an effective strategy for your organization. You will learn how to address the complexities of planning and become familiar with the concept of strategic management and reporting.

Traditional Communications

The Traditional Communications module looks at communications before digital marketing became widespread and how it has evolved over the years. You will explore the strengths of traditional communication methods, as well as realizing its limitations. It will help you understand how to respond to a range of different situations and how digital communications can be integrated with traditional approaches.

Digital Communications

This module will introduce you to the concept of digital communications and how to use them to engage with an audience. You will also become familiar with the tools and timelines associated with a digital campaign and PR activities.

Digital Channels

The Digital Channels module will introduce you to the value, characteristics and suitability of social media platforms and contextualize the digital landscape, including Search Marketing (SEO), Email Marketing, Digital Display Advertising, Mobile Marketing, and Social Media Marketing.

Marketing Automation

This module aims to empower digital marketers to automate their marketing processes in the areas of lead management, lead generation, lead nurturing, sales enablement, social media marketing automation and customer evangelism.

Budget & Resourcing

The Budget & Resourcing module looks at the crucial aspects of planning and maintaining a budget in your digital marketing strategy. On completion of this module, you will be familiar with the key areas to consider when creating a budget for digital activities and understand the range of documentation required.

Big Data & Analytics

This module will provide you with a broad understanding of Big Data, Advanced Analytics and AI. You will learn the fundamental frameworks and understand how cutting-edge analytics tools are being used to help businesses succeed. You will learn the elements and practices that make up an efficient analytical approach and the main considerations when constructing a formal analytics program for your business

Digital Leadership

The Digital Leadership module will guide you in your transition from a traditional to a digital strategy and empower you to mentor coach and lead your team in their digital marketing activities. You will learn how to bridge the gap between marketing and sales, act as a social leader, build and maintain awareness of your digital strategy and implement effective communication strategies.

Strategy Formulation & Plan

The Strategy Formulation and Plan module will provide a structured conclusion to bring together all the strands of the Digital Strategy and Planning Program. It introduces you to methodologies for utilizing a SWOT Analysis to develop SMART objectives and create a coherent strategic plan for your organization.


This course consists of approximately 30 hours of course content. You have up to 24 weeks to complete the course, during which time you can access your course content wherever and whenever you want. Average completion time is between 8-10 weeks.


The Assessment is a 2-hour exam. The certification exam is taken in one of our test centers and is included in the course price.

Candidates need to achieve a minimum of 60% to pass the exam. Your examination fee is included in the price but subsequent re-sits due to failed attempts will incur a fee of approximately €60 or NOK630 payable directly to Pearson Vue when you book your repeat attempt.


Due to regulations, there will be added taxes to the listed courseprice. Taxes for e-learnings are 25%.