Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP V9) e-læring

certified digital marketing professional kurs

Fremtidssikre karrieren din og bli en etterspurt Certified Digital Marketing Professional ved å lære grunnleggende elementer innen digital markedsføring og oppnå forståelse for de viktigste digitale spesialiseringene; fra mobil og sosiale medier til e-post, YouTube og displayannonsering, PPC og SEO.

Hvorfor skal jeg ta dette kurset?

Gjennom dynamiske videopresentasjoner og praktiske læringsaktiviteter (inkludert tutorials og øvelser) får du en "hands-on" læringserfaring som gjør at du kan demonstrere et sterkt fundament i digital markedsføring. Kurset dekker hovedkonseptene, teknikkene og ferdighetene som kreves for å utvikle, planlegge og implementere en effektiv digital markedsføringsstrategi.

Studenter kan forvente å:

  • Få en helhetlig forståelse og kompetanse på de viktigste områdene
    av digital markedsføring
  • Lære varige ferdigheter slik at du kan forbli relevant, uansett hva som
  • Bli med i et fellesskap av likesinnede markedsførere og bransjeeksperter
  • Fortsette å lære med kontinuerlig profesjonell utvikling (CPD)

Ved endt kurs vil studentene kunne:

  • Øke nettstedets synlighet gjennom søkemotoroptimalisering's
  • Få kvalifisert trafikk til nettstedet ditt via betal-per-klikk (PPC)
  • Utføre sosiale video- og digitale displaykampanjer
  • Finne, segmentere og administrere e -postabonnenter for å planlegge
    og gjennomføre en vellykket e -postmarkedsføringskampanje
  • Bruke passende sosiale medier for forskjellige forretningsmål
    og mål
  • Måle og optimalisere kampanjene dine på sosiale medier
  • Dra nytte av mobilmarkedsføring for fordelene med mikromålretting
  • Analysere og optimalisere din generelle digitale markedsføringsaktivitet
  • Lage en formell digital markedsføringsplan for virksomheten din



Denne sertifiseringen er ideell for et bredt spekter av fagfolk, inkludert markedsføringsledere, ledere, IT -ledere og toppledelse. Det er også ideelt for eiere av små bedrifter eller alle som er involvert i planlegging, implementering eller måling av digitale strategier, sammen med alle som er ivrige etter å forfølge en karriere innen digital markedsføring. Å bli en Certified Digital Marketing Professional vil være til fordel for deg uavhengig av dine ferdigheter eller erfaring, og vil gi deg muligheten til å maksimere effekten av markedsføringen din gjennom kraftige digitale verktøy.

Hva vil jeg oppnå?

Etter en vellykket gjennomføring av en 3-timers datamaskinbasert eksamen, vil kandidatene bli tildelt en av verdens mest anerkjente digitale markedsføringssertifiseringer. Sertifiserte fagfolk vil få tilliten de trenger for å skape og styre transformative og inntektsgenererende digitale markedsføringsstrategier for selskaper i alle størrelser. Studentene vil også motta en globalt anerkjent sertifisert profesjonell merke for å vise på sine LinkedIn -profiler, samtidig som de får tilgang til MyDMI -medlemsplattformen for å opprettholde sine ferdigheter mens de fortsetter å lære og vokse, for å bygge nettverk og for å få verdifulle CPD -poeng.


Kurset består av ti moduler som gir en grundig dekning av alle sentrale disipliner som kreves for beste praksis innen digital markedsføring.

Det er ti moduler i dette kurset:

  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  5. Paid Search (PPC) using Google Ads
  6. Youtube and Display Advertising
  7. Email Marketing
  8. Website Optimization
  9. Analytics with Google Analytics
  10. Digital Marketing Strategy

1. Introduction to Digital Marketing

Lecturer: Philippe Polman

This module introduces the core principles and purpose of digital marketing. It enables you to develop clear and actionable business objectives for a digital marketing plan. You’ll learn how to uncover audience and industry insights from digital research, and to connect effectively with your customers and target audience with a 360 digital marketing campaign.

2. Content Marketing

Lecturer: Will Francis

This module explores the knowledge and skills required to plan and execute a content marketing strategy in a persona-oriented, data-driven way. You’ll be able to connect content to the Buyer’s Journey and understand how to engage your audience in a meaningful way. It covers content creation, content curation, and how to extend the value of content using scheduling tools and promotion methods. The module concludes by examining the key metrics and tools for measuring the performance of a content marketing strategy.

3. Social Media Marketing

Lecturer: Alison Battisby

This module introduces the key social media platforms for digital marketing, and it demonstrates how to set up a social media experience for a business. It explains the techniques and best practices for growing and engaging a social media audience, and it demonstrates how to create effective paid advertising campaigns on the key social platforms. It also covers how to extract and report on data from the platforms’ native analytics tools to derive deeper audience and campaign insights.

4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Lecturer: Joe Williams

This module begins with the fundamentals of SEO and how search engines work. It explains why it is vital to align SEO objectives with overarching business objectives and how to use keyword and competitor research to build an SEO content plan that brings the right kind of visitors to a website. It also covers how to boost online conversions to help stand out in today’s fiercely competitive online marketplace and ensure the best possible ROI.

5. Paid Search (PPC) using Google Ads

Lecturer: Cathal Melinn

This module begins with the fundamentals of paid search, and it demonstrates how to implement and manage paid search campaigns using Google Ads. Beginning with keywords and keyword research, you’ll be able to create your search campaigns from the ground up. It explains how to manage paid search advertising budgets, and how
to optimize your campaigns. It also covers conversion tracking and how to measure and report on the performance of paid search campaigns using Google Analytics.

6. YouTube and Display Advertising 

Lecturer: Kristin Shine

This module begins with the fundamentals of Display and Video advertising, and it demonstrates how to set up and manage a YouTube channel. It covers the ad formats available on the Google Display Network and YouTube, and it shows how to set up and manage Display and Video campaigns. It also explains how to effectively target and remarket to audiences with display banners and video advertising. The module concludes by identifying the key metrics and tools to use to analyze and optimize the effectiveness of Display and Video campaigns.

7. Email Marketing

Lecturer: Karen Talavera

This module begins with the fundamentals of email marketing and how the concepts of segmentation, personalization, timing, engagement, and the legislation and regulations surrounding data protection underpin an effective email marketing strategy. The module introduces key email marketing tools and techniques, and it explores subscriber list and email design best practices. It covers how to create, test, and optimize an email campaign that maximizes email open and click rates and provides an
overview of the value provided by marketing automation tools.

8. Website Optimization

Lecturer: Kelsey Jones

This module introduces key concepts underpinning effective website design, types of websites, ecommerce, lead generation, and the purpose of website optimization. It will enable you to build and publish a simple, well-designed, and optimized website using WordPress that is aligned to specific business goals. The module also covers how
to use metrics to capture, track, and measure website activity to develop deeper insights.

9. Analytics with Google Analytics

Lecturer: Bryan Kam

This module begins with the fundamentals of web analytics. It also examines the associated legal responsibilities and best practices concerning data collection, consent, and privacy that enable a digital marketer to draw actionable conclusions from website or marketing channel data. You’ll learn how to set up and configure Google Analytics, and install Google Analytics tracking code and link it to your website.
The module covers setting website goals to analyze performance and analyze customer conversion journeys. It also provides comprehensive detail on how to use Google Analytics reports and features to monitor and analyze digital campaigns.

10. Digital Marketing Strategy

Lecturer: Jessica Preddy

This module identifies the core components of an effective digital marketing strategy, and it explains how to develop an effective budget plan and measure the ROI for digital activities. It covers how to set clear and actionable objectives and measurable KPIs, as well as the key research activities to undertake to guide channel selection and messaging. It also explains how to develop a creative strategy based on campaign research to engage an audience and deliver on campaign goals. The module concludes by explaining how to execute a digital marketing strategy supported by a channel plan.


This course consists of approximately 30-hours of course content. You have up to 24 weeks to complete the course, during which time you can access your course content wherever and whenever you want. Average completion time is between 8-10 weeks.


The Assessment is one three hour exam. The certification exam is taken in one of our test centers and is included in the course price.

The exam is split into three sections. Candidates need to achieve a minimum of 60% to pass the exam. Your examination fee is included in the price but subsequent re-sits due to failed attempts will incur a fee of approximately €60 or NOK630 payable directly to Pearson Vue when you book your repeat attempt.


Due to regulations, there will be added taxes to the listed courseprice. Taxes for e-learnings are 25%.