Online kurs: Scripting and Web Languages

Denne online kurspakken består av flere forskjellige kurs som du kan få tilgang til i 365 dager etter registrering. Hvert kurs er delt inn i flere kursmoduler, som du kan bruke i en sammendragsmeny i den rekkefølgen du ønsker. Modulene inneholder lyd, bilder og tekst som gjennomgår kursinnholdet. Noen moduler inneholder små videofilmer med scenarier og saker. Med hvert kurs har du muligheten til å teste din forståelse av innholdet med tester du kan ta både før, under og etter kurset. Du fullfører kursmodulene via datamaskinen eller nettbrettet ditt med lyd og internettilgang. Du kan kontrollere når du vil ta modulene - og de kan settes på pause underveis. Bokmerker legges til uansett hvor du er, så du har alltid muligheten til å fortsette der du sist kom til.


Kurs som inngår i biblioteket Varighet
Creating an Application 0,80
Components and Bindings 1,00
Directives 0,73
Pipes 0,50
Form Management 1,00
Model-driven Forms 0,60
Routing 1,05
Services, Promises, and Route Protection 0,68
Animation 0,80
NativeScript 0,80
Angular, Reactive, and Observable 0,88
Angular and ngrx 0,88
Angular 5 Features and Changes 1,43
Bootstrap and Dashboards with Angular 5 1,60
Angular 5 Material and Universal Components 1,20
Angular 6 Development: Introduction 1,00
Angular 6 Development: Libraries 0,50
Angular 6 Development: Reactive Programming 1,10
Angular 6 Development: Angular Material and Angular Elements 0,60
Angular 6 Development: Testing & TDD 0,90
JavaScript Fundamentals 1,00
JavaScript Data, Decision Making, and Arrays 1,20
JavaScript Front End Development: Functions and Objects 1,23
JavaScript Front End Development: Working With JavaScript Errors, Events, Objects, and New Features 1,47
JavaScript Front End Development: Front End Development Basics 1,13
JavaScript Front End Development: Frameworks 1,40
Working with Data in AngularJS 1,50
AngularJS Security Considerations 1,00
AngularJS and TypeScript 2,50
AngularUI Companion Frameworks 2,00
AngularUI Utilities and Modules 2,00
Getting Started with Backbone.js 1,00
Complex Application Development with Backbone.js 1,00
jQuery Mobile – App Basics, UI Controls and Navigation 2,00
jQuery Mobile – Forms, Lists, Sets and Tables 2,00
Optimizing jQuery Mobile Apps 1,50
Integrating jQuery Mobile with PhoneGap 2,00
JavaScript - Ember.js Fundamentals 2,00
Knockout Fundamentals 1,50
Configuring Forms with Knockout 1,00
Working with Knockout 1,50
Advanced Knockout Techniques 1,50
JsRender Fundamentals 2,00
Advanced JsRender Features 3,00
JavaScript SPA: Getting Started with SPA in Visual Studio 2013 1,50
JavaScript SPA: SPA Views and Routes 2,00
JavaScript SPA: Durandal Modules and Lifecycle events. 1,50
JavaScript SPA: Adding Views and Handling View Navigation in Durandal 2,00
JavaScript SPA: Connecting to and Managing Data 2,00
JavaScript SPA: Working with Rich Application Data 2,50
JavaScript SPA: Managing Application Data 1,50
JavaScript SPA: Working With Validation 1,50
jQuery: Basic Setup and Features 2,00
jQuery: Using Essential Features and Functions 2,00
jQuery: Advanced Features and Functions 2,00
JavaScript Sencha: Ext JS 1,00
JavaScript Sencha: Sencha Touch 1,50
TypeScript Essentials: Getting Started 2,00
TypeScript Essentials: Advanced TypeScript 1,50
Underscore.js: Collection Functions and Function Functions 2,50
Underscore.js: Array, Object, and Utility Functions 2,50
Helper Functions and Advanced Ajax 1,90
Using and Creating Widgets 1,90
Advanced Selecting, Theming, and Plugins 2,20
Beginning AngularJS 2,00
Introduction to Directives 1,77
Controllers and Directives 1,50
Services and Routing 2,40
Testing AngularJS 1,00
Animation and Internationalization 1,95
Creating a Basic Angular Application 1,30
Angular 2 Template Syntax, Directives, and Pipes 1,30
Creating and Maintaining Forms 1,30
Client-side Routing and Using HTTP 2,20
Using Animation and Supporting Mobile Devices 1,40
Testing Angular Apps 1,50
Angular Security and the Angular CLI 1,10
Creating Styles with CSS3 and Styling Text 1,50
Styling Page Elements using CSS3 1,50
Navigation Elements and Animations with CSS3 1,00
Forms, Positioning, and Layout with CSS3 1,50
Advanced Options, Responsive Web Design, and Management with CSS3 1,50
Extending CSS3 with Sass and Less 1,50
Introduction to Express 1,80
Using Express and Express Middleware 1,60
Introduction to HTML5 2,00
HTML5 Layout 2,50
HTML5 Forms 2,50
HTML5 APIs and Media 2,50
HTML5 and CSS3 2,00
HTML5 Layout with CSS3 2,00
HTML5 and Advanced CSS3 2,50
HTML5 and JavaScript 2,00
HTML5 Graphics and Canvas 2,00
Advanced HTML5 1,50
Advanced Features of JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5 2,00
Introduction to jQuery 0,90
Events, Manipulating Elements, and AJAX 1,90
Common Widgets and Animation 1,10
Introduction to Popular Frameworks 0,63
Introduction to ReactJS and Grunt 0,60
Web Application Libraries 1,45
jQuery and TypeScript 0,90
JSON Essentials 2,50
HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Introduction 1,60
HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Styling HTML5 & JavaScript 1,12
HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: HTML5 & Javascript 1,10
HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: APIs & Data Storage 0,72
Programming in HTML5: More Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 0,85
Programming in HTML5: Adaptive AI, Graphics, & Animation 1,32
HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Data Flow, Consuming, & Transmitting Data 0,70
HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: WebSockets & Asynchronous Processing 1,10
HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: Advanced Input Validation 0,50