Online kurs: Exploring The Future - VR, AI og Machine Learning

Denne kurspakken dekker de viktigste aspektene ved kunstig intelligens (AI), maskinlæring og virtuell virkelighet (VR). Du vil blant annet lære å gjenkjenne ulike former for kunstig intelligens, teknikker for å bygge kunstig intelligenssystemer, samt feilsøking av forskjellige problemer som kunstig intelligens og Machine Learning-prosesser kan støte på. I tillegg vil du få en introduksjon til Virtual Reality, hvordan du designer Virtual Reality-apper i Unity, GoogleVR og Unreal, samt hvilke problemer du kan støte på når du utvikler applikasjoner.


Kurs som inngår i biblioteket Varighet
Introduction to Virtual Reality 0,70
Manipulating the VR Environment 0,67
Creating a Virtual Reality App with Unity 1,03
User Interfaces in Virtual Reality 0,75
Optimizing for Unity VR 0,67
Android Cardboard and Unity VR 0,60
Using GoogleVR and Unreal 0,75
Planning AI Implementation 0,80
TensorFlow: Introduction to Machine Learning 1,68
TensorFlow: Simple Regression and Classification Models 1,63
TensorFlow: Deep Neural Networks and Image Classification 1,30
Tensorflow: Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks 1,00
Tensorflow: K-means Clustering with TensorFlow 1,00
Tensorflow: Building Autoencoders in TensorFlow 0,80
Tensorflow: Word Embeddings & Recurrent Neural Networks 0,70
TensorFlow: Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification 1,40
Understanding Bots: Chatbot Architecture 0,95
Understanding Bots: Building Bots with Dialogflow 0,95
Understanding Bots: Chatbot Advanced Concepts and Features 1,42
Understanding Bots: Amazon Alexa Skills Development 1,10
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 0,85
Search Problems 0,73
Constraint Satisfaction Problems 0,50
Adversarial Problems 0,70
Uncertainty 0,78
Machine Learning 0,80
Reinforcement Learning 0,58
Introducing Natural Language Processing 0,70
Developing AI and ML Solutions with Java: AI Fundamentals 1,10
Developing AI and ML Solutions with Java: Machine Learning Implementation 1,50
Developing AI and ML Solutions with Java: Neural Network and Neuroph Framework 1,80
Developing AI and ML Solutions with Java: Neural Network and NLP Implementation 0,90
Developing AI and ML Solutions with Java: Expert Systems and Reinforcement Learning 0,80
Machine & Deep Learning Algorithms: Introduction 0,77
Machine & Deep Learning Algorithms: Regression & Clustering 0,82
Machine & Deep Learning Algorithms: Data Preperation in Pandas ML 1,07
Machine & Deep Learning Algorithms: Imbalanced Datasets Using Pandas ML 1,40
Data Tools: Technology Landscape & Tools for Data Management 0,45
Data Tools: Machine Learning & Deep Learning in the Cloud 0,38
Architecting Balance: Designing Hybrid Cloud Solutions 0,95
Architecting Balance: Hybrid Cloud Implementation with AWS & Azure 1,13
Applied Deep Learning: Unsupervised Data 1,47
Applied Deep Learning: Generative Adversarial Networks and Q-Learning 0,75
Convo Nets for Visual Recognition: Filters & Feature Mapping in CNN 1,12
Convo Nets for Visual Recognition: Computer Vision & CNN Architectures 0,82
Applied Predictive Modeling 1,13
Advanced Reinforcement Learning: Principles 1,22
Advanced Reinforcement Learning: Implementation 1,58
Building Neural Networks: Development Principles 1,35
Building Neural Networks: Artificial Neural Networks Using Frameworks 1,92
Enterprise Architecture: Architectural Principles & Patterns 1,58
Enterprise Architecture: Design Architecture for Machine Learning Applications 1,00
Building ML Training Sets: Introduction 1,10
Building ML Training Sets: Preprocessing Datasets for Linear Regression 0,90
Bayesian Methods: Bayesian Concepts & Core Components 1,02
Bayesian Methods: Implementing Bayesian Model and Computation with PyMC 0,80
Bayesian Methods: Advanced Bayesian Computation Model 0,87
Implementing Deep Learning: Practical Deep Learning Using Frameworks & Tools 1,00
Implementing Deep Learning: Optimized Deep Learning Applications 0,72
Build & Train RNNs: Neural Network Components 0,62
Build & Train RNNs: Implementing Recurrent Neural Networks 0,82
Automation Design & Robotics 0,60
Deep Learning with Keras 1,93
Model Management: Building Machine Learning Models & Pipelines 0,53
Model Management: Building & Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production 0,93
Getting Started with Neural Networks: Biological & Artificial Neural Networks 0,98
Getting Started with Neural Networks: Perceptrons & Neural Network Algorithms 0,75
Fundamentals of Sequence Model: Artificial Neural Network & Sequence Modeling 0,60
Fundamentals of Sequence Model: Language Model & Modeling Algorithms 0,33
ConvNets: Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks 1,02
ConvNets: Working with Convolutional Neural Networks 0,72
Improving Neural Networks: Neural Network Performance Management 1,95
Improving Neural Networks: Loss Function & Optimization 1,07
Improving Neural Networks: Data Scaling & Regularization 1,63
Linear Algebra and Probability: Fundamentals of Linear Algebra 1,68
Linear Algebra & Probability: Advanced Linear Algebra 1,73
Linear Regression Models: Introduction to Linear Regression 1,30
Linear Regression Models: Building Simple Regression Models with Scikit Learn and Keras 0,70
Linear Regression Models: Multiple and Parsimonious Linear Regression 1,18
Linear Regression Models: An Introduction to Logistic Regression 0,97
Linear Regression Models: Simplifying Regression and Classification with Estimators 0,60
ML/DL Best Practices: Machine Learning Workflow Best Practices 0,88
ML/DL Best Practices: Building Pipelines with Applied Rules 1,07
Enterprise Services: Enterprise Machine Learning with AWS 1,23
Enterprise Services: Machine Learning Implementation on Microsoft Azure 1,22
Enterprise Services: Machine Learning Implementation on Google Cloud Platform 1,03
Math for Data Science & Machine Learning 1,03
ML Algorithms: Multivariate Calculation & Algorithms 0,65
ML Algorithms: Machine Learning Implementation Using Calculus & Probability 0,52
NLP for ML with Python: NLP Using Python & NLTK 1,05
NLP for ML with Python: Advanced NLP Using spaCy & Scikit-learn 0,68
Convolutional Neural Networks: Fundamentals 0,77
Convolutional Neural Networks: Implementing & Training 0,52
Predictive Modelling Best Practices: Applying Predictive Analytics 1,50
Reinforcement Learning: Essentials 0,50
Reinforcement Learning: Tools & Frameworks 0,58
Refactoring ML/DL Algorithms: Techniques & Principles 1,10
Refactoring ML/DL Algorithms: Refactor Machine Learning Algorithms 0,98
Research Topics in ML and DL 0,70
Training Neural Networks: Implementing the Learning Process 1,67
Training Neural Networks: Advanced Learning Algorithms 1,68
Introduction to Machine Learning and Supervised Learning 0,90
Supervised Learning Models 0,70
Unsupervised Learning 0,60
Neural Networks 0,70
Convolutional and Recurent Neural Networks 0,70
Applying Machine Learning 0,65
AI and ML Solutions with Python: Machine Learning and Data Analytics 1,10
AI and ML Solutions with Python: Supervised, Unsupervised and Deep Learning 1,50
AI and ML Solutions with Python: Deep Learning and Neural Network Implementation 1,00
AI and ML Solutions with Python: Implementing ML Algorithm Using scikit-learn 1,20
AI and ML Solutions with Python: Implementing Robotic Process Automation 1,00