Lean IT Foundation

The Lean IT Foundation Training is two days. During the training, you will learn the fundamentals of Lean and how to apply Lean in an IT domain. In the training you will practice with exercises to build hands-on skills. The training will introduce you to the softer aspects of Lean IT like change approaches and how to change people’s behavior and attitude. All the exercises are related to ICT, but no technical IT knowledge is required.

«Geraldine er faglig sterk, en trygg kursholder og hun er skikkelig trivelig! Det er tydelig at hun vil alle kursdeltakere vel og tar oss gjennom lærestoffet med stort engasjement og med veldig behagelig flyt. Hun har mange gode praktiske eksempel og er flink til å illustrere, samt repetere, som gjør stoffet lettere å forstå. » Marit Lauritzen, Skråstrek Oslo

Course description:

This course is delivered using an exciting case study designed to further enhance the candidates understanding of Lean IT. Students who have attended this course are prepared to successfully take the associated Lean IT Foundation certification exam which is a requirement for attending any of the further Lean courses available in this track.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts behind Lean and how Lean can be applied in IT
  • Analyze customer value and translate the voice of the customer to processes
  • Understand Lean concepts as customer value, value streams, flow, pull, perfection
  • Diagnose and improve processes with value stream mapping
  • Problem solving with the Kaizen approach
  • Work with the DMAIC improvement cycle
  • Designate improvement activities that improve process results
  • Understand what behaviors & attitudes are essential within Lean organizations
  • Prepare the student to take the Lean IT Foundation Certification exam


Any member of an IT organization.


There are no pre-requisites for this course, although a basic knowledge of IT concepts will be helpful.

Course outline:


  1. Introduction
  2. The history of Lean
  3. The key elements of Lean
  4. The concept of Waste, Variability and Inflexibility
  5. The five dimensions of Lean IT


  1. Customer Value
  2. Voice of the Customer
  3. Value-add and non-value-add work
  4. Critical-to-quality tree
  5. Value streams in IT
  6. Cost of Poor Quality


  1. The concept of a process
  2. SIPOC diagramming
  3. Creating a Value Stream Map
  4. Analyzing a Value Stream Map


  1. What is performance?
  2. Key Performance Indicators
  3. Operational Process Efficiency
  4. Skills and Knowledge Matrix


  1. Organizational structure and customer focus
  2. Performance Dialogue
  3. Visible Management
  4. Day Start and Week board


  1. Structured Problem Solving
  2. KAIZEN approach


  1. Lean Leadership & Behavior
  2. Organizational Change
  3. Change Story


  1. Sample Exam
  2. How to prepare for the exam
  3. Check Out

About the Examination

  • The exam is closed book with fifty (40) multiple choice questions.
  • The pass score is 65% (26 out of 40 questions).
  • The exam lasts 60 minutes.

How to take the exam:

You will get an exam voucher that gives you access to an online exam. This can be booked and taken home monitored by a proctor via camera.

Get the step-by-Step Guidelines on how to take an Online Proctored Exam on your computer.

Online Proctoring Guidelines

The trainer will also guide you through the procedures on how to book and prepare for the exam during the course

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