ALL - Agile and Lean Leadership

The Leadership Framework for highly innovative, ambitious organisations.

The course will teach the foundation of building an organization that is: 


  • Deliver value fast
  • Learns fast
  • Changes fast when needed

Reliable and resilient

  • Keeps promises
  • Have high quality standards


  • Have motivated, energetic employees
  • Explore and experiment
  • Do have empathy for the customer


Ambitious managers/leaders at middle and top level. 


Some knowledge of Lean, Agile and Scrum is a prerequisite. 


The following principles and models are used:
  • Cynefin for complexity and sense-making
  • Systems Thinking
  • Beyond Budgeting
  • Dual Leadership
  • Lean thinking
  • Scrum


Agile Lean context
  • The challenges and benefits
  • The history of and trends in Agile Lean Leadership, contrast to neo-Taylorist management
  • Intrinsic motivation and pride of workmanship
Agile Lean Leadership
  • The role of the agile leader
  • Clarity of purpose
  • A clear line of sight to the customer
  • Leadership in complex domains.
  • Focus on sustainability and resilience
  • Building psychological safety
Agile Lean Organization
  • Challenges in the organization
  • Creating trust, transparency
  • Decentralized mandate and decisionmaking
  • Disciplined reflection, learning and improvement
Agile Lean making the change
  • Creating an ever learning organisation
  • The case for continuous improvement

Geir Amsjø, Certified Scrum Trainer

Norges første Certified Scrum Trainer: Agile Coach. Geir har mer enn 20 års erfaring fra IT-bransjen i mange ulike roller: Utvikling, prosjektledelse, test, kvalitetssikring og linjeledelse for å nevne noen. Metodikk og prosessforbedring har alltid vært hovedinteressen, og siden 2003 har fokus utelukkende vært på smidig systemutvikling og Lean. Geir er en svært erfaren kursholder og har veiledet/coachet en rekke norske selskaper innen smidig. 

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