Svelte & Svelte Kit

Svelte is the fastest reactive Front-End Framework with that satisfies its users, see State of JavaScript survey.


Svelte is a new approach to reactive Front End Frameworks. It uses compilation to offer fast runtime performance, where competing frameworks need slower in-browser solutions. Svelte still offers all the benefits you can expect from a modern framework, like reactivity, components, ease of use, stores, etc.

Svelte Kit extends Svelte with a Router, code-splitting, offline support, server-side rendering, etc.

What you will learn

  • Svelte and JavaScript
  • Data binding
  • Conditional rendering
  • List rendering
  • Reactivity
  • Bindings
  • Component interaction
  • Project setup
  • Component Lifecycle
  • Stores
    Transitions & Motion
  • Slots
  • Developer workflow
  • Svelte Internals
  • Svelte Kit

The course material will have more than 100 examples of all the technologies used. Exercises are target to make the students think instead of being directed, to achieve better memorization. At the end of the course the students should be ready to independently start and maintain Svelte and Svelte Kit projects.


Professional software developer with knowledge of Javascript. Some knowledge of web technologies like HTML and CSS is helpful. Course can be followed on both Mac and Window machines using Visual Studio Code or your editor of choice.



  • Why use Svelte?
  • What is Svelte?

Language constructs for Svelte

  • EcmaScript 202X (JavaScript): The relevant features for Vue.js
  • Spread operator
  • Arrow functions
  • Object destructuring
  • More...
  • Option: TypeScript

Data binding

  • Render root
  • Content
  • Attributes
  • Handling events
  • Event modiļ¬ers
  • Styling
  • HTML Tags

Conditional Rendering

  • If
  • Else
  • Else-if

List Rendering

  • Each
  • Await


  • Reactive assignments, declarations and statements
  • Updating Arrays and Objects


  • Inputs: Text, Numeric, Checkbox, Group
  • Single and Multiple Select
  • Other bindings
  • This

Component Interactions

  • Properties
    • Declaring Props
    • Default Values
    • Spread Props
  • Events
    • Component events
    • Event forwarding
  • Component Bindings
  • Nested Components

Starting a Project

  • Templates
  • Rollup and Webpack


  • Mounting
  • Destroying
  • Updates
  • Ticks


  • Writable, Readable, Derived and Custom Stores
  • Auto-subscriptions
  • Bindings


  • Fade
  • Fly
  • Slide
  • Draw


  • Tweened
  • Spring
  • Animations
  • Actions


  • Class directive


  • Basics
  • Fallback
  • Names
  • Props

Context API

  • getContext
  • setContext

Module Context

  • Sharing Code

Special Svelte Elements

  • Self
  • Component
  • Window
  • Window Bindings
  • Body
  • Head
  • Options

Developer Experience

  • Debugging
  • DevTools
  • Storybook
  • Testing

Svelte Kit

  • Routing
  • Layouts
  • Server-Side Rendering
  • Prefetching and Prerendering


Appendix 1: Special components

  • Virtual List
  • Scroller


Rick Beerendonk - instructor of the course

Rick is a senior consultant and trainer from The Netherlands.
He has over 25 years of professional experience while working in small, large and fast growing organisations.
His passion is simplicity, wellwritten code and team dynamics.
He is specialised in front-end technologies and speaks regularly about these topics at international events.

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