What should businesses lacking IT security expertise do in a world of ever-increasing threat?

Daily security and threats to public and private businesses are threatening, and threats are increasing. The government invests heavily in IT security in its government budget, but what do the businesses do when 6 out of 10 Abelia companies are experiencing a lack of IT expertise, which is particularly lacking in IT security. The problem is a lot that businesses fail to attract IT security personnel to their business. What is certain is that businesses can not ignore the threats they face. Handling when the damage has occurred is far more expensive than working proactively to prevent damage. What is the consequence of employee data, emails or customer data going away? There are three solutions to the challenge, these three probably overlapping each other:

1. Increased competence

Ensure increased competence for existing personnel. On the one hand, this means ensuring that the IT department has the necessary knowledge to build and manage solutions in the most secure way. At the same time they also have the knowledge to ensure that the providers of their services do the same. On the other hand, it means ensuring that other employees have enough skills to understand what is secure versus insecure emails and websites. Enhancement of skills is also an important measure for retaining key employees, thus not only ensuring new skills but retaining the skills already in the business. Glasspaper is Norway's largest provider of IT security through e-learning and instructor-led courses.

2. Recruitment of new competence

Get assistance to recruit new resources with expertise in security. The market is largely vacuumed so it will be important to choose a supplier that can assist the business in making the position attractive and looking at how candidates who are not 100% match today can quickly get through the course. Glasspaper is specialized in recruiting IT personnel and we provide security personnel to several of the largest security environments in Norway. We know the subject area and the market very well.

 3. Lead temporary competence

Hire expertise in order to uncover and reduce the greatest vulnerabilities. This is a short-term solution and is recommended primarily in combination with competence development and / or recruitment. Glasspaper has access to several of the leading security consultants in Norway and Europe and can help to make your business safer. It can be anything from getting good management systems and routines or penetration testing and mapping vulnerabilities.

Some businesses purchase security as a service, and it can cover some of the skills gap and the necessity for internship internally. However, it is said that, independently of this, it is important to ensure that internal employees have a good level of competence in safety and work with security to handle it properly from their business.

Put security on the agenda of your business, we'll be happy to help!

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